Manufacturing Playbook

IBM research shows predictive, digitally-based factory asset management can facilitate up to 50% improvement in production defect detection. That number is liable to balloon even larger as the true efficiencies of AI, IoT, 5G, edge computing, and other industry 4.0 technologies go mainstream and upend conventional thinking. What’s your strategy to keep pace and avoid being outflanked by savvy competitors? Next-generation sensors and detection devices signal a shift from routine maintenance regimes to predictive, AI-powered processes that lift plant output, reduce spare parts inventory, and streamline asset management services. This playbook shows you how to: Identify potential equipment problems early and remotely when they can be solved at the lowest possible cost in time and money. Continuously monitor thousands of machines at many plants worldwide simultaneously. Bring order and insight to the massive flow of digital information next-gen sensors and defect detection devices generates.

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