Outsourcing your HR function is an option for every business, regardless of size or industry. In addition, Wilford Smith will support your existing HR team or operate as your sole HR representative.

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We are a regulated solicitors firm in Sheffield that specializes in HR and Employment Law.

Wilford Smith was founded over 30 years ago and is now considered one of the UK’s most prestigious law firms, having developed a richly deserved reputation for excellence in our core areas of law.

We are more than just a law firm; we are your trusted legal advisor and will be there at every step of your commercial journey. The advice, support, and representation we provide to your business will be tailored to your needs and specific to your industry sector.

You can be assured that by instructing us, exceptional outcomes will be the norm.

Whether to outsource your HR resource is a big decision for you and your business.

There are many things you need to consider when deciding whether our services are the right for you.

We are confident that the service we offer is exceptional and will be of great benefit to you. Here are some of the reasons why.

Experienced Team

Most HR consultancies are not qualified law firms, but Wilford Smith has 20+ years of experience in HR and Employment Law.

Affordable Pricing

You can save up to 77% compared to your in-house HR staffing cost. Our transparent fixed prices start from just £100 per month

Mitigate Litigation Risk

Access to expert legal advice will be invaluable in avoiding costly employment tribunal litigation. For example, in 2021, the unfair dismissal claim cost the employer £14,000per claim.


Professional privilege protects certain communications and documents from disclosure, even in court.



Is your company facing any of these issues? We are here to help you.

1. Compliance with laws and regulations

Failure to fully comply with laws and regulations can lead to severe consequences for a small company, including audits, lawsuits, and even bankruptcy.

2. Employment tribunal support

Getting your HR practices wrong can be a costly mistake to make. For example, in 2021/22, the Employment Tribunal received 630 claims for unfair dismissal, with a maximum award of, in one case, £165,000.

3. Contracts and documentation

Preparing complex contracts can be daunting and time-consuming. In most cases, SMEs pay very high costs to draft compliant agreements.

4. Health and safety

Failure to execute a thorough health and safety program can expose the company to costly lawsuits and injury claims.

5. Employee retention

Keeping employees happy and performing at a high level is significant for a company’s success and comes with many challenges for HR professionals.

6. Bespoke Issues

Employers might face bespoke employee issues related to discrimination, TUPE & redundancy which may lead to expensive employment tribunal claims.

7. Change management

When done poorly, change management can harm performance, staff engagement, and morale. It often falls on the HR department to find ways to ensure that a people-centric transition doesn’t affect productivity and output.

8. Compensation management

Ensuring your total compensation packages are appealing and competitive takes time and money. As a result, small companies will struggle to compete against large corporations and their limitless budgets.

9. Acquiring top talent

Competition for top talent is fierce. Large organizations use every resource to find and hire the best in the industry. Unfortunately, that means that smaller organizations are often at a financial disadvantage when hiring.

10. Monitoring productivity and performance

Keeping an eye on productivity and performance involves monitoring key indicators, engaging in candid conversations with managers and employees and acting like a detective to find problems. While part of the job, it’s a time-consuming responsibility and a common HR problem in companies.


At Wilford Smith Solicitors, we understand that the people at the heart of your business are the true key to its success.
A strong, sustainable, and effective team requires strong HR and employment law knowledge and expertise. Whether handling contracts, staff disciplinary matters, dismissals, or redundancies, Wilford Smith has the HR and employment law expertise to deal with these matters in a manner that adheres to legal best practices and protects your organisation from claims and protracted legal cases.

Peace Of Mind

You outsource all your HR issues to a qualified HR solicitors firm.

Unbiased Approach

As external advisers, we can take an objective approach likely to be seen as fair and reasonable by third parties, such as employment tribunals.

Customer Service

We take pride in our customer service. Our qualified team is on hand to help you solve any HR issues; no problem is too big or small for us.


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